Thursday, November 28, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Obesity in America

Argumentative Essay on Obesity in America Obesity is an issue of concern in America and in many other developed countries. This is why it is not uncommon for students in America to be asked to write argumentative essays on obesity in America. It may be stated that one third of the essays composed by students in one way or another concerns the questions of healthy eating and lifestyle, obesity and alike. The Americans are concerned about this issue, that is why the essays writing on obesity may be done by one and the same student several times during his or her academic career. To construct an acceptable argumentative essay, it is necessary to include a claim as the main argument of the essay paper. In addition, you may also include several other arguments to support the claim, as the essay leads the reader towards a logical conclusion the essay is based upon. To come up with a good argumentative essay, you should begin with writing a strong argument that will give the reader a summarized explanation of what the essay is all about. Next, the introduction should be clear to let the readers know the focus of the argument, by stating the problem and letting the reader know the exact problem that needs to be solved. Once you have written about the problem, the main argument should therefore present the best solution to the argument . When writing the introduction for this type of paper, one should let the audience know why the idea in the paper is actually the right one for that paper or for the proposed problem stated in the essay paper. Depending on the length of the paper, the length of the introduction can range from a paragraph for a short essay paper to a few paragraphs if the essay paper is a lengthy one. Once one has determined the main argument of the essay paper, it is time to come up with arguments to support the main argument, and while doing so, it is good that each one of the arguments be split into its own paragraph. When writing this type of paper, there are a number of different arguments that one could use to stress the main points. This will result in a strong argumentative paper that will do more than send the message across to the readers. One could try using inductive reasoning when writing the argument. This will entail using a series of specific examples to lead the reader towards the conclusion one is attempting to reinforce. One could also make use of deductive arguments by using numerous ideas to lead a reader towards the conclusion. You can buy your essay online, written from scratch by academic experts at 100% custom argumentative written essays of high quality guaranteed.

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